Dr. Laurie Wideman Gold

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Wideman is the Safrit-Ennis Distinguished Professor in the Kinesiology Department. Her research interests include the impact of exercise, disease, and injury on the endocrine system.

Dr. Susan Calkins

Human Development and Family Studies
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Calkins is a Bank of America Excellence Professor for the Department of Human Development & Family Studies. Her research interests include social and emotional development in infancy and early childhood.


Dr. Susan Keane

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Keane is a Professor of Psychology and the Director of Clinical Training. Her research interests include childhood psychopathology and children’s social relationships, parent-child interaction, and the etiology, assessment, and treatment of peer rejection and neglect.

Lenka Schriever

Dr. Lenka Shriver

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Shriver is a Professor of Nutrition. Her research is concentrated in the area of child nutrition/obesity and nutrition & exercise. Her research efforts target a variety of social, behavioral, and environmental factors that impact dietary intakes and obesity risk among children.

Jess Dollar

Dr. Jessica Dollar

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Dollar is a Research Scientist and the Associate Director of the Center for Women’s Health and Wellness. Her research interests include the role of children’s emotional reactivity and regulation within the context of the caregiving environment in shaping children’s trajectories toward psychological and social adjustment.

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