The Role of Emotion Regulation in Children’s Early Academic Success

     Authors: Dr. Paulo Graziano, Dr. Rachael Reavis, Dr. Susan P. Keane, & Dr. Susan D. Calkins

     Publication Information: 2007, Journal of School Psychology, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pages 3-19
     PubMed: PMC3004175; doi: 0.1016/j.jsp.2006.09.002

Indirect Effects of Emotion Regulation on Peer Acceptance and Rejection: The Roles of Positive and Negative Social Behaviors

     Authors: Dr. Bethany L. Blair, Dr. Meghan J. Gangel, Dr. Nicole B. Perry, Dr. Marion O’Brien,
     Dr. Susan D. Calkins, Dr. Susan P. Keane, & Dr. Lilly Shanahan

     Publication Information: 2016, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Volume 62, Issue 4, Pages 415-439
     PubMed: PMC6058310; doi: 10.13110/merrpalmquar1982.62.4.0415

Rationale, Design and Methods for the RIGHT Track Health Study; Pathways from Childhood Self-Regulation to Cardiovascular Risk in Adolescence

     Authors: Dr. Laurie Wideman, Dr. Susan D. Calkins, James A. Janssen, Dr. Cheryl A. Lovelady,
     Dr. Jessica M. Dollar, Dr. Susan P. Keane, Dr. Eliana M. Perrin, & Dr. Lilly Shanahan

     Publication Information: 2016, BMC Public Health, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 459-472
     PubMed: PMC4888421; doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3133-7

Self-Regulation as a Predictor of Patterns of Change in Externalizing Behaviors from Infancy to Adolescence

     Authors: Dr. Nicole B. Perry, Dr. Susan D. Calkins, Dr. Jessica M. Dollar, Dr. Susan P. Keane,
     & Dr. Lilly Shanahan

     Publication Information: 2018, Development and Psychopathology, Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 497-510
     PubMed: PMC5858969; doi: 10.1017/S0954579417000992

Childhood Self-Regulation as a Mechanism Through Which Early Overcontrolling Parenting Is Associated with Adjustment in Preadolescence

     Authors: Dr. Nicole B. Perry, Dr. Jessica M. Dollar, Dr. Susan D. Calkins, Dr. Susan P. Keane,
     & Dr. Lilly Shanahan

     Publication Information: 2018, Developmental Psychology, Volume 54, Issue 8, Pages 1542-1554
     PubMed: PMC6062452; doi: 10.1037/dev0000536

Longitudinal Associations Between Specific Types of Emotional Reactivity and Psychological, Physical Health, and School Adjustment

     Authors: Dr. Jessica M. Dollar, Dr. Nicole B Perry, Dr. Susan D. Calkins, Dr. Lilly Shanahan,
     Dr. Susan P. Keane, Dr. Lenka Shriver, and Dr. Laurie Wideman

     Publication Information: 2023, Development and Psychopathology, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pages 509-523
     PubMed: PMC9288564; doi: 10.1017/S0954579421001619

Physiologic and Behavioral Correlates of Energy Intake in Emerging Adulthood: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the RIGHT Track Health Study

     Authors: Dr. Jessica McNeil, Hannah R Koch, Dr. Jessica M. Dollar, Dr. Lenka Shriver,
     Dr. Susan P. Keane, Dr. Lilly Shanahan, and Dr. Laurie Wideman

     Publication Information: 2023, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 153, Issue 1, Pages 88-95
     PubMed: PMC10196564; doi: 10.1016/j.tjnut.2022.11.011

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